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Not really hiding.
But, I've lived my life in Costa Rica for almost five years now and I "feel" hidden.
I guess that is because I am that
particular type of gal, I usually just keep to myself, out of trouble, drama, and so forth, nothing new to me.
I do get out, just randomly.

I am must more adjusted now. Anyways, my nickname is JenRen (but, just call me Jennie or Jen) and I live in a tiny country town, along the Pacific Coast.
Sometimes I love it dearly here, and other days I hate it with a vengeance.
Usually, somewhere in between, but much closer to the love side. So, I guess you could say I have a love - hate relationship with a place??
I will get into all of the past, present, and future negatives and positives later. Who doesn't have those anywhere in the world? I adore looking at and taking photos.
I also love cats, domestic and wild, A LOT! So, how about pics of my pet felines for now, Enjoy!