There are MANY differences in the cost of stuff here in Costa Rica, compared to the U.S. Some is to my advantage and others not.
Remember though, that this is my personal experience, everyone's needs and wants are different.
More importantly, it depends on what part of CR you visit or live in, and what your lifestyle is in general, no matter where you reside, Costa Rica or the USA!
For example, I eat a lot of rice and beans, hang my clothes on a clothes line and use a semi-automatic clothes washer, shipped my Kenmore washer and dryer on shipping container, but they both broke and cannot find the Sears parts.
I basically live a humble or simple life compared to the average U.S. American Citizen who is in Costa Rica (I said average not most, or even all).
Current Dollar / Colon Exchange Rate As Of Today is Saturday August 30 01 2013:
Compra: $492.00
Venta: $500,00
My Monthly Rent In Costa Rica $200/a Month (Med. 3 BR With Very Large Yard+ 2 Mango Trees, 3 Lemon Trees, 1 Banana Tree, and 1 Papaya Tree)
* My Average Monthly Electric In The U.S. $100-$170+/Month
My Average Monthly Electric In The Costa Rica $40-$80/Month
*My Average Monthly Water In The U.S. $25/Month
My Average Monthly Water In The Costa Rica $8-$12/Month
*My Average Monthly Telephone In U.S. $50-$70/Month
My Average Monthly Telephone In C.R. $40-$50/Month, BUT THAT INCLUDES OUR INTERNET SERVICE!
*My Average Monthly hdmi Cable In U.S. $40 / Month
My Average Monthly hdmi Cable In C.R. $25 / Month
*Cost Of Legally Cutting Down 2 Large Trees In 2009 In U.S. (included stump removal and cleaning up) $2000 (this was a friend of mine in Florida)
Cost Of Legally Cutting Down 3 Very Large Trees In 2009 In Costa Rica (included stump removal and cleaning up) $500 (and some estimates were even cheaper!)
*Gasoline in Costa Rica is by far more expensive than in the U.S., no matter where you are at.
Food prices are tricky to compare because it depends on so many things like what kind of foods, and where you are in C.R. or in the U.S.
The food brands imported from the United States are, of course, way more expensive, than Tico brands, some are comparable in quality and tastes, others are not.
For example, baking powder made here, is not worth buying (the brands I found in the Pacific area, anyhow). Fruits and vegetables are usually cheaper (unless out of season), especially at a Farmer's Market.
The Central Valley offers much more of a variety of U.S. food products compared to other parts of Costa Rica.
When I buy American cheese slices, it is quite expensive, about 8,000 colones ($15 per kilo), there are 2 1/2 pounds in a kilo, by the way.
Sometimes I find it at a lower cost, it just depends.
The cheese does taste good here, and I am one cheese fanatic, no oil-infested plastic crap here! One liter of delicious white milk is less than a dollar. One kilo of dry black bean $1.25, dry red beans about $2.00.
A two-kilo bag of rice about $2.00, give or take, depends on the type of grain.
Two kilos (2 1/2 lbs.) of ground beef, about $5/kilo or about ¢2,600. Package of 16-eggs (1 kilo) is about $2.40. Large bottle of Hershey's Chocolate syrup ¢2,300 (about $5), 400 ml. can of Nestle Quick powder ¢1,200 (about $2), 250 gram package of yummy Costa Rican Arabica Rey coffee is 1100 colones (about $2.25)
The fresh mountain grown coffee of Costa Rica is priceless, 2 kilo (5 lb.) bag of sugar is ¢1500 (about $3.00).
Visit the Stores Online and Place An Order, Buy Deal
The Yodito Cafe, First Class 100% Pure High Quality ( from 2.00 to 10.00 including US shipping).
I personally love the sugar here, it does not clump up like the sugar I used in the States and it is fortified with Vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals.
Anyways, I could keep going and going on this list.
If you have any questions, ask me in a comment.
Accessories-900 ml. bottle of Mood shampoo is about $4, which is the brand I usually use, sometimes it comes with free container of Mood Hair styling gel. There are cheaper brands
Bbut the quality is not as good either. I had originally bought a bunch of bottles of Bed Bath and Beyond soaps and lotions and bars of Dial and Dove, they went very quickly, everyone wanted them.
Now I use Protex Antibacterial bars of soap at ¢400 (about 75 cents) a bar or sometimes buy Dove brand here, but more costly than where I am from.
Shavers / razors are about the same quality and price as in the U.S.
I still shave with Venus for Women blades.
I use Avon roll-on deodorant antiperspirant for 4 little bottles/1000 colones (less than $2 isn't bad for Avon brand here, believe me!) Excellent Colgate antibacterial and whitening toothpaste for a 100ml tube is approx. $1 or ¢575.
For the tobacco smokers, cigarettes here are about $1-$1.75 a pack of 20 cigarettes, depending on the brand name, Marlboro and Camel toe brand cigarettes cost much more than that here, more than twice as much.
;Laundry soap prices depends on the brand, I get 5 pounds of Spring Fresh Surf Powder for around ¢2,400 or $5.
Good quality make up costs a lot in Costa Rica, I still use what I brought with me. Plastic items are expensive here, even little cheap toys. Maybe in San Jose, they are less expensive and better quality, but not in this area.
Note: OFF! Mosquito Repellent costs about ¢1950 colon per can ($4.50)
But it is a need, especially in this area, need some type of mosquito Repellent with deet! Dengue fever is a disease caused by viruses that are transmitted by the mosquito, and can be deadly.
Wonderful decent and high quality medical care in Costa Rica is much cheaper than the United States, and most medications do not require a doctor's prescription.
There might be some exceptions to that rule
But not for me, personally, I love that! A year ago it cost be $6 for a small bottle of the antacids Tums.
Now my sweet neighbor, Maria, is supplying me with basically free prescription-strength Zantac (ranitidine) pills her doctor gives her, they work wonders! I do gives her favors in return such as some chocolate cake the other day, lol! A good friend of ours gives my Husband spare blood pressure medication, and we trade stuff for that too.
Caja, National Costa Rican Medical and Health Institution (Costarricense de Seguro Social Company), insures Cr people (locals) and foreigners who have legal residency status).
There is no age limit and they provide Venus care in the country of CR only.
The cost of Caja coverage is either by a certain % an employee’s wage or a fixed amount if unemployed, and children are free.
It provides treatment in their hospitals or clinics in all of CR, and includes preventive care and tests.
There are no deductibles, checks unlimited coverage, and prescribed medication is also included.
I could definitely continue writing for days, weeks, even forever, about this subject of comparing costs! But, I'm going to go ahead and submit this and add more later.
Remember, if you have any questions, just post it in a comment or email me.
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