This particular flowering tree seemed to be raining yellow pages of gold all over most of the park, and everyone was enjoying the beauty of this golden retriever.
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A true golden shower delight for all to see and enjoy of all ages! In case you did not know this, all children attending public or private schools in Costa Rica are required to wear school uniforms.
These kids are relaxing and playing in the park right after school.
Most of the children walk to and from school.
They love the park to enjoy an ice cream, a sweet cold drink, chips, or whatever suits their fancy, and then sit and talk, and play!
After that event in the year 2005, we kept checking to see if the downtown giant was capable to deliver each year end the same spectacle.
Then happened on 2007 when the tree did the flowering on December 16th and on 2008, 2009 on January, by 2010 nothing at all and we are still waiting next even on 2020.